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A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Second Edition: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child ThriveSally Ozonoff, Geraldine Dawson, and James C. McPartland
Diagnosing Learning Disorders: Third Edition: From Science to PracticeBruce F. Pennington, Lauren M. McGrath, and Robin L. Peterson
DBT Skills Manual for AdolescentsJill H. Rathus and Alec L. Miller
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Handbook of Psychological and Educational Assessment of Children: Second Edition: Personality, Behavior, and ContextEdited by Cecil R. Reynolds and Randy W. Kamphaus
Assessing Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A Practical GuideRobert L. Rhodes, Salvador Hector Ochoa, and Samuel O. Ortiz
RTI Applications, Volume 2: Assessment, Analysis, and Decision MakingT. Chris Riley-Tillman, Matthew K. Burns, and Kimberly Gibbons
Clinical Practice of Pediatric PsychologyEdited by Michael C. Roberts, Brandon S. Aylward, and Yelena P. Wu
Early Start Denver Model Curriculum Checklist for Young Children with AutismSally J. Rogers and Geraldine Dawson
High-Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome in Schools: Assessment and InterventionFrank J. Sansosti, Kelly A. Powell-Smith, and Richard J. Cowan
Assessment and Treatment of Childhood Problems: Third Edition: A Clinician's GuideCarolyn S. Schroeder and Julianne M. Smith-Boydston
Conducting School-Based Assessments of Child and Adolescent BehaviorEdited by Edward S. Shapiro and Thomas R. Kratochwill
Exposure Therapy with Children and AdolescentsMichael A. Southam-Gerow
Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments: Third Edition: A Practitioner's GuideMark W. Steege, Jamie L. Pratt, Garry Wickerd, Richard Guare, and T. Steuart Watson
Foreword by Frank M. Gresham
Foreword by Frank M. Gresham
DSM-5® Diagnosis in the SchoolsRenée M. Tobin and Alvin E. House
Measuring Attachment: Developmental Assessment across the LifespanEdited by Everett Waters, Brian E. Vaughn, and Harriet Salatas Waters
Foreword by L. Alan Sroufe
Foreword by L. Alan Sroufe
Treating Somatic Symptoms in Children and AdolescentsSara E. Williams and Nicole E. Zahka
Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Adolescents: Nature, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by David A. Wolfe and Eric J. Mash
Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence: Fifth EditionEdited by Eric A. Youngstrom, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Eric J. Mash, and Russell A. Barkley

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