Stress Management for Teachers
A Proactive Guide
Keith C. Herman and Wendy M. Reinke
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderNovember 6, 2014
ISBN 9781462517985
Price: $41.00 256 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
I. Overview of Stress and Coping
1. Background and Rationale
2. Stress: The Good, the Bad, and the Lion
3. The Teacher Coping Model
II. Coping Strategies
4. Awareness
5. Adaptive Thinking I: The Positive/Negative Thoughts Method
6. Adaptive Thinking II: The ABC Method
7. Adaptive Behaviors
8. Competence and Self-Efficacy
9. Beyond Survival: Getting to Good
III. Applications and Extensions
10. Specific Applications
11. Coping with Serious Symptoms
12. For School Administrators and Other School Professionals
13. Setting Up a TCM Study Group
14. Your Personal Development Plan and Broader Systems Change