New Titles:
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Leaving It at the Office: Second Edition: A Guide to Psychotherapist Self-CareJohn C. Norcross and Gary R. VandenBos
Making Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Work: Third Edition: Clinical Process for New PractitionersDeborah Roth Ledley, Brian P. Marx, and Richard G. Heimberg

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Motivational Interviewing for Leaders in the Helping Professions: Facilitating Change in OrganizationsColleen Marshall and Anette Søgaard Nielsen
Neuropsychological Report WritingEdited by Jacobus Donders
The Paper Office for the Digital Age: Fifth Edition: Forms, Guidelines, and Resources to Make Your Practice Work Ethically, Legally, and ProfitablyEdward L. Zuckerman and Keely Kolmes

Order both items for $111.95, instead of $149.00 if bought separately!
Preventing Boundary Violations in Clinical PracticeThomas G. Gutheil and Archie Brodsky
Psychoanalytic SupervisionNancy McWilliams

Schema Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide ($58.00) and
Order both items for $78.95, instead of $105.00 if bought separately!
Teen Suicide Risk: A Practitioner Guide to Screening, Assessment, and ManagementCheryl A. King, Cynthia Ewell Foster, and Kelly M. Rogalski

Order all 3 items for $122.95, instead of $163.00 if bought separately!
The Therapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology: Third Edition: Working with Patients, Families, and Physicians to Optimize CareJoEllen Patterson, James L. Griffith, and Todd M. Edwards
Treatment Plans and Interventions for Bulimia and Binge-Eating DisorderRene D. Zweig and Robert L. Leahy
Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Second EditionRobert L. Leahy, Stephen J. F. Holland, and Lata K. McGinn
Using Music in Child and Adolescent PsychotherapyLaura E. Beer and Jacqueline C. Birnbaum