The Paper Office for the Digital Age
Fifth Edition
Forms, Guidelines, and Resources to Make Your Practice Work Ethically, Legally, and Profitably
Edward L. Zuckerman and Keely Kolmes
Paperback + CD-ROM
Paperback + CD-ROM
orderNovember 21, 2016
ISBN 9781462528004
Price: $88.00 502 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
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Significantly revised and updated to include online and computerized aspects of private practice, this essential manual has given many tens of thousands of clinicians the complete record-keeping and risk-reduction tools that every psychotherapy practice needs. The book provides effective methods for obtaining informed consent, planning treatment and documenting progress, managing HIPAA compliance, maintaining clinical and financial records, communicating with clients and third-party payers, and reducing malpractice risk. Drawing from the professional literature, it features key guidance and easy-to-digest pointers about the ethical, legal, and business aspects of practice. With a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book and enclosed CD-ROM include 53 reproducible forms and handouts. Purchasers also get access to a companion website where they can download and customize the reproducible materials.
New to This Edition:
New to This Edition:
- Updated throughout to reflect today's greater use of electronic/digital technologies in practice management.
- Chapter on insurance and billing, coping with managed care, and Medicare.
- Chapter on private practice marketing, including Internet and social media dos and don'ts.
- Expanded topics: HIPAA compliance, ICD-10, responding to subpoenas, and using online technologies for billing, communication, and record keeping.
- Information about hundreds of websites dealing with all aspects of operating a practice.