Teaching Social Communication to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Delays (2-book set)
Second Edition
The Project ImPACT Guide to Coaching Parents and The Project ImPACT Manual for Parents
Brooke Ingersoll and Anna Dvortcsak
2-Paperback Sete-bookprint + e-book
2-Paperback Set
orderJuly 2, 2019
ISBN 9781462538140
Price: $82.00448 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
448-Page Practitioner's Guide + 148-Page Manual for Parents
orderMay 31, 2019
Price: $82.00 448 Pages
448-Page Practitioner's Guide + 148-Page Manual for Parents
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New to this edition:
- Reflects the latest research and the ongoing development of Project ImPACT.
- Streamlines the program for teaching parents—presents five main strategies that build on each other.
- Appropriate for a broader range of children, including those without an ASD diagnosis who have social communication delays.
- Optional unit on managing significant behavioral challenges.
- Additional visuals, graphics, and forms that facilitate learning.
- Expanded information on engaging parents, goal development, data collection, and adapting the program for a variety of settings.