Teaching Social Communication to Children with Autism and Other Developmental Delays (2-book set)

Second Edition
The Project ImPACT Guide to Coaching Parents and The Project ImPACT Manual for Parents

Brooke Ingersoll and Anna Dvortcsak

2-Paperback Sete-bookprint + e-book
2-Paperback Set
July 2, 2019
ISBN 9781462538140
Price: $82.00
448 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
448-Page Practitioner's Guide + 148-Page Manual for Parents
May 31, 2019
Price: $82.00
448 Pages
448-Page Practitioner's Guide + 148-Page Manual for Parents
print + e-book
2-Paperback Set + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $164.00 $98.40
448 Pages
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The Project ImPACT Guide to Coaching Parents

I. An Introduction to Project ImPACT

1. Project ImPACT: An Overview

2. Planning and Implementing Project ImPACT

3. Collaborating with Parents in Project ImPACT

4. Project ImPACT Intake

II. Individual Parent Coaching Model Guidelines

Unit 1. Getting Started

Unit 2. Focus on Your Child

Unit 3. Adjust Your Communication

Unit 4. Create Opportunities

Unit 5. Teach New Skills

Unit 6. Shape the Interaction

Unit 7. Moving Forward

Unit 8. (Optional) Manage Your Child’s Challenging Behavior

III. Group Parent Coaching Model Guidelines

Unit 1. Getting Started

Unit 2. Focus on Your Child and Adjust Your Communication

Unit 3. Create Opportunities

Unit 4. Teach New Communication Skills

Unit 5. Teach New Imitation and Play Skills

Unit 6. Shape the Interaction and Moving Forward

Appendix. Web-Based Materials


The Project ImPACT Manual for Parents

About This Manual

1. Getting Started

2. Focus on Your Child

3. Adjust Your Communication

4. Create Opportunities

5. Teach New Skills

6. Shape the Interaction

7. Moving Forward

8. (Optional) Manage Your Child’s Challenging Behavior

Further Reading