Practical Handbook of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Building Academic and Behavioral Success in Schools
Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Rebekah Bickford
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 14, 2015
ISBN 9781462522491
Price: $71.00 346 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderDecember 15, 2015
ISBN 9781462522484
Price: $47.00346 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“Brown-Chidsey and Bickford intertwine recent developments in prevention science, PBIS, and RTI. Their practical approach targets teachers and administrators working to implement MTSS. Both academic and behavior support approaches are covered, and emphasis is given to establishing teams that collect and use data for problem solving. I recommend this accessible resource for educators working to make schools more effective learning environments.”

—Robert H. Horner, PhD, Special Education Program (Emeritus), University of Oregon
“What I really like about Brown-Chidsey and Bickford’s outstanding book is that it provides the 'why' as well as the 'how-to' of implementing MTSS. After offering a compelling argument for why these systems are essential to successful schools, it comprehensively explains the nuts and bolts of implementation. Particularly useful and unique is the extensive coverage of standards-aligned and differentiated instruction at Tier 1, and the nuances of intervening in Tiers 2 and 3 and special education. I would definitely use this book in a graduate-level course in consultation or interventions.”

—Joseph F. Kovaleski, DEd, NCSP, Professor Emeritus of Educational and School Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
“Professional learning communities would easily be able to read and use this book to improve existing team meetings and 'data days.' Practical examples and multiple case studies make this the perfect guide for school teams implementing an MTSS model. Brown-Chidsey and Bickford have identified critical components that schools need to take their student support to the next level. The book does an excellent job of describing the intersections between MTSS and other programming.”

—Sarah Brown, PhD, Chief, Bureau of Learner Strategies and Supports, Iowa Department of Education
“This book presents a systems-level approach that will help schools meet the needs of each learner. It is a great resource for district and school leadership teams who need to move beyond the technical skills of RTI to create an MTSS that is woven into the fabric of a school.”

—Jennifer Knutson, PhD, Executive Director, Professional Learning, Anchorage School District, Alaska

—Robert H. Horner, PhD, Special Education Program (Emeritus), University of Oregon
“What I really like about Brown-Chidsey and Bickford’s outstanding book is that it provides the 'why' as well as the 'how-to' of implementing MTSS. After offering a compelling argument for why these systems are essential to successful schools, it comprehensively explains the nuts and bolts of implementation. Particularly useful and unique is the extensive coverage of standards-aligned and differentiated instruction at Tier 1, and the nuances of intervening in Tiers 2 and 3 and special education. I would definitely use this book in a graduate-level course in consultation or interventions.”

—Joseph F. Kovaleski, DEd, NCSP, Professor Emeritus of Educational and School Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
“Professional learning communities would easily be able to read and use this book to improve existing team meetings and 'data days.' Practical examples and multiple case studies make this the perfect guide for school teams implementing an MTSS model. Brown-Chidsey and Bickford have identified critical components that schools need to take their student support to the next level. The book does an excellent job of describing the intersections between MTSS and other programming.”

—Sarah Brown, PhD, Chief, Bureau of Learner Strategies and Supports, Iowa Department of Education
“This book presents a systems-level approach that will help schools meet the needs of each learner. It is a great resource for district and school leadership teams who need to move beyond the technical skills of RTI to create an MTSS that is woven into the fabric of a school.”

—Jennifer Knutson, PhD, Executive Director, Professional Learning, Anchorage School District, Alaska