Measuring Noncognitive Skills in School Settings
Assessments of Executive Function and Social-Emotional Competencies
Edited by Stephanie Jones, Nonie K. Lesaux, and Sophie P. Barnes
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMarch 23, 2022
ISBN 9781462548675
Price: $71.00 342 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderMarch 23, 2022
ISBN 9781462548668
Price: $47.00 342 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“Jones and colleagues have curated a thought-provoking volume grounded in theory and rigorous scientific methodologies, from long-standing practices in psychoeducational measurement to contemporary approaches that leverage technology, neuroscience, child development, and physiology. Contributors are highly regarded experts in social, emotional, and behavioral assessment. The volume addresses student-level questions along with classroom-, school-, and system-level considerations, including ways to contend with structural inequities. Chapters hold your attention with interesting analogies and authentic case scenarios. This seminal resource for practitioners and researchers alike takes a topic that has too often been an afterthought and ushers it to the fore. I will be using this book with my school psychology graduate students!”

—Laura Feuerborn, PhD, NCSP, Professor and Director of School Psychology and Faculty Fellow in Social Emotional Learning, University of Washington Tacoma
“The editors and authors of this splendid volume are helping the SEL field chart its course via scientifically rigorous, culturally valid measurement and assessment. How can measuring and assessing children’s noncognitive skills improve teaching and learning? This volume points the way!”

—J. Lawrence Aber, PhD, Willner Family Professor of Psychology and Public Policy, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, and University Professor, New York University
“As the saying goes, 'we manage what we measure.' Practitioners have long understood the importance of high-quality, evidence-based, developmentally appropriate, embedded social–emotional learning (SEL), but how we assess our efforts has been challenging. This book lays out in great detail the current state of SEL assessment and identifies vital elements for practitioners to consider. It should be required reading for anyone serious about measuring—and improving—SEL efforts.”

—Joe Aleardi, Executive Director, Horizons Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut

—Laura Feuerborn, PhD, NCSP, Professor and Director of School Psychology and Faculty Fellow in Social Emotional Learning, University of Washington Tacoma
“The editors and authors of this splendid volume are helping the SEL field chart its course via scientifically rigorous, culturally valid measurement and assessment. How can measuring and assessing children’s noncognitive skills improve teaching and learning? This volume points the way!”

—J. Lawrence Aber, PhD, Willner Family Professor of Psychology and Public Policy, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, and University Professor, New York University
“As the saying goes, 'we manage what we measure.' Practitioners have long understood the importance of high-quality, evidence-based, developmentally appropriate, embedded social–emotional learning (SEL), but how we assess our efforts has been challenging. This book lays out in great detail the current state of SEL assessment and identifies vital elements for practitioners to consider. It should be required reading for anyone serious about measuring—and improving—SEL efforts.”

—Joe Aleardi, Executive Director, Horizons Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut