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Ordinary Magic: Resilience in DevelopmentAnn S. Masten
Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: School-Based PracticeEdited by Matthew J. Mayer, Richard Van Acker, John E. Lochman, and Frank M. Gresham
DBT Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A)James J. Mazza, Elizabeth T. Dexter-Mazza, Alec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, and Heather E. Murphy
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Clinical Interviews for Children and Adolescents: Third Edition: Assessment to InterventionStephanie H. McConaughy and Sara A. Whitcomb
Child and Adolescent Development for Educators: Second EditionChristine B. McCormick and David G. Scherer
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Supports in Schools: Linking Assessment to Tier 2 InterventionSara C. McDaniel, Allison L. Bruhn, and Sara Estrapala
Integrated Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: Blending RTI and PBISKent McIntosh and Steve Goodman
Executive Function in Education: Second Edition: From Theory to PracticeEdited by Lynn Meltzer
School Psychology for the 21st Century: Third Edition: Foundations and PracticesKenneth W. Merrell, Ruth A. Ervin, Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, and Tyler Renshaw
Reading Intervention in the Primary Grades: A Common-Sense Guide to RTIHeidi Anne E. Mesmer, Eric M. Mesmer, and Jennifer Jones Powell
Child and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior: Second Edition: School-Based Prevention, Assessment, and InterventionDavid N. Miller
Foreword by William M. Reynolds
Foreword by William M. Reynolds
Promoting Successful Transition to Adulthood for Students with DisabilitiesRobert L. Morgan and Tim Riesen
Brief Intervention for School Problems: Second Edition: Outcome-Informed StrategiesJohn J. Murphy and Barry L. Duncan
Implementing Classwide PBIS: A Guide to Supporting TeachersDiane Myers, Brandi Simonsen, and Jennifer Freeman
Foreword by George Sugai
Foreword by George Sugai
Supporting Adolescents with Autism in Secondary SchoolsEdited by Samuel L. Odom
Social Work in Schools: Principles and PracticeLinda Openshaw
A Parent's Guide to High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Second Edition: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child ThriveSally Ozonoff, Geraldine Dawson, and James C. McPartland
Collaborative Home/School Interventions: Evidence-Based Solutions for Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic ProblemsGretchen Gimpel Peacock and Brent R. Collett
Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st CenturyEdited by Gretchen Gimpel Peacock, Ruth A. Ervin, Edward J. Daly III, and Kenneth W. Merrell
Diagnosing Learning Disorders: Third Edition: From Science to PracticeBruce F. Pennington, Lauren M. McGrath, and Robin L. Peterson
Family-School Success for Children with ADHD: A Guide for InterventionThomas J. Power, Jennifer A. Mautone, and Stephen L. Soffer