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Validity Assessment in Clinical Neuropsychological Practice: Evaluating and Managing Noncredible PerformanceEdited by Ryan W. Schroeder and Phillip K. Martin
Using the Rorschach Performance Assessment System® (R-PAS®)Edited by Joni L. Mihura and Gregory J. Meyer
Treatment Planning in Psychotherapy: Taking the Guesswork Out of Clinical CareSheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, and Todd O'Hearn
Transforming Cognitive Rehabilitation: Effective Instructional MethodsMcKay Moore Sohlberg, Justine Hamilton, and Lyn S. Turkstra
The Therapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology: Third Edition: Working with Patients, Families, and Physicians to Optimize CareJoEllen Patterson, James L. Griffith, and Todd M. Edwards
Social Phobia: Diagnosis, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by Richard G. Heimberg, Michael R. Liebowitz, Debra A. Hope, and Franklin R. Schneier
Sexual Dysfunction: Third Edition: A Guide for Assessment and TreatmentJohn P. Wincze and Risa B. Weisberg
Sexual Deviance: Second Edition: Theory, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by D. Richard Laws and William T. O'Donohue
Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology: Second EditionEdited by Scott O. Lilienfeld, Steven Jay Lynn, and Jeffrey M. Lohr
Foreword by Carol Tavris
Foreword by Carol Tavris
Psychopathology: Second Edition: From Science to Clinical PracticeEdited by Louis G. Castonguay, Thomas F. Oltmanns, and Abigail Powers Lott
Psychological Evaluations for the Courts: Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and LawyersGary B. Melton, John Petrila, Norman G. Poythress, Christopher Slobogin, Randy K. Otto, Douglas Mossman, and Lois O. Condie
Psychological Assessment: A Problem-Solving ApproachJulie A. Suhr
Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual: Second Edition: PDM-2Edited by Vittorio Lingiardi and Nancy McWilliams
Practitioner's Guide to the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders
Bo Bach, Christopher J. Hopwood, Erik Simonsen, and Robert F. Krueger

Perfectionism: A Relational Approach to Conceptualization, Assessment, and TreatmentPaul L. Hewitt, Gordon L. Flett, and Samuel F. Mikail
Paradigms of Personality AssessmentJerry S. Wiggins

Order both items for $111.95, instead of $149.00 if bought separately!
Neuroticism: A New Framework for Emotional Disorders and Their TreatmentShannon Sauer-Zavala and David H. Barlow
Neuropsychology of DepressionEdited by Shawn M. McClintock and Jimmy Choi
Neuropsychological Report WritingEdited by Jacobus Donders