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Accelerating Learning Recovery for All Students: Core Principles for Getting Literacy Growth Back on TrackMargaret Vaughn and Seth A. Parsons
Assessment for Reading Instruction: Fourth EditionKatherine A. Dougherty Stahl, Kevin Flanigan, and Michael C. McKenna
Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction: Third EditionEdited by Kathleen A. Hinchman and Heather K. Sheridan-Thomas
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Foreword by Donna E. Alvermann
Best Practices of Literacy Leaders: Second Edition: Keys to School ImprovementEdited by Allison Swan Dagen and Rita M. Bean
Foreword by Diane Kern
Foreword by Diane Kern
Best Practices in Writing Instruction: Third EditionEdited by Steve Graham, Charles A. MacArthur, and Michael A. Hebert
Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners: Third Edition: Insights from LinguisticsKristin Lems, Tenena M. Soro, and Gareth Charles
Collaborative Coaching for Disciplinary Literacy: Strategies to Support Teachers in Grades 6-12Laurie Elish-Piper, Susan K. L'Allier, Michael Manderino, and Paula Di Domenico
The Common Core Coaching Book: Strategies to Help Teachers Address the K-5 ELA StandardsLaurie Elish-Piper and Susan K. L'Allier
Cultivating Coaching Mindsets: Second Edition: An Action Guide for Instructional Leaders
Rita M. Bean and Jacy Ippolito
Foreword by Allison Swan Dagen

Foreword by Allison Swan Dagen
Disciplinary Literacies: Unpacking Research, Theory, and PracticeEdited by Evan Ortlieb, Britnie Delinger Kane, and Earl H. Cheek, Jr.
Lenses on Reading: Fourth Edition: An Introduction to Theories and Models
Diane H. Tracey and Lesley Mandel Morrow

Lessons of the Pandemic: Disruption, Innovation, and What Schools Need to Move ForwardDavid T. Marshall and Tim Pressley
Foreword by Harry Anthony Patrinos
Foreword by Harry Anthony Patrinos
Literacy Changemakers: Bringing the Joy of Reading and Writing into Focus for Teachers and StudentsKenneth Kunz, Maureen Hall, and Rachel Lella
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Foreword by Diane Lapp
Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades: Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All StudentsJade Wexler, Elizabeth Swanson, and Alexandra Shelton
Literacy in the Disciplines: Second Edition: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 5-12
Thomas DeVere Wolsey and Diane Lapp

The Literacy Specialist: Fourth Edition: Leadership and Coaching for the Classroom, School, and CommunityRita M. Bean and Virginia J. Goatley
Literacy Teacher Education: Principles and Effective PracticesDeborah G. Litt, Susan D. Martin, and Nancy A. Place
Foreword by Victoria J. Risko
Foreword by Victoria J. Risko
Pivotal Research in Early Literacy: Foundational Studies and Current PracticesEdited by Christina M. Cassano and Susan M. Dougherty
Foreword by Joanne Knapp-Philo
Afterword by Heidi Anne E. Mesmer and M. M. Rose-McCully
Foreword by Joanne Knapp-Philo
Afterword by Heidi Anne E. Mesmer and M. M. Rose-McCully
The Power of Instructional Coaching in Context: A Systems View for Aligning Content and CoachingJacy Ippolito and Rita M. Bean
Principles of Effective Literacy Instruction, Grades K-5Edited by Seth A. Parsons and Margaret Vaughn
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
Social Justice in Schools: A Framework for Equity in EducationCharles A. Barrett
Foreword by Ivory A. Toldson
Foreword by Ivory A. Toldson
Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6Edited by Louise Spear-Swerling

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