Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research
Ronald C. Martella, J. Ron Nelson, Robert L. Morgan, and Nancy E. Marchand-Martella
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 17, 2013
ISBN 9781462509744
Price: $149.00 666 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderApril 18, 2013
ISBN 9781462509621
Price: $99.00666 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“Each chapter in this book is well organized, with good examples, suggested readings, and other helpful materials.”

—Hisako Matsuo, PhD, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Saint Louis University
“Unlike many other texts, this book covers each topic with consistent depth. Great features include a thorough chapter on program evaluation, which many texts don't offer; coverage of reliability and validity early in the book (I love the section on things to consider about measurement devices!); and the best presentation of qualitative research that I have seen in any text. I like how qualitative research and quantitative research are presented separately instead of being merged in a confusing fashion. I will definitely consider adopting this text.”

—Melody Whiddon, PhD, College of Education, Florida International University
“This accessible book does the best job of any text I've seen of making the dynamic nature of research designs come to life for educational researchers. I teach two research methods classes—one for doctoral students and the others for master's students—and I will use this book for both. It covers the right material, has a solid structure within chapters, and includes some nuts-and-bolts material not available in other texts.”

—Eleazar Vasquez III, PhD, BCBA-D, Exceptional Education Program, University of Central Florida
“This book is an easy read, full of good examples and well-thought-out approaches. The authors have brought extensive experience to bear on creating a very effective text. I look forward to using this text in my graduate course in research for speech-language pathologists.”

—Anthony P. Salvatore, PhD, Director, Speech-Language Pathology Program, and Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Texas, El Paso
“This clear, detailed volume provides a comprehensive look at the elements that help novice researchers become more critical consumers of research. I like the graphic organizers and the use of discussion questions and exercises. These tools help the instructor ensure that students understand the topics and allow for a variety of different learning styles. When I teach educational research courses, I often have to locate related articles on my own; I appreciate that the authors have taken the time to provide related articles. This text is just the right level for my graduate students.”

—Tracy M. Walker, PhD, Department of Doctoral Studies, Virginia State University
“This text delivers exactly what it claims: it teaches students how to consume and understand research. The comprehensive coverage of all types of empirical inquiry is truly impressive and second to none. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students at the master’s and doctoral levels will greatly appreciate the book's treatment of both the fundamentals and nuances of most types of research designs. This text will enlighten and more than satisfy the most inquisitive educational research consumer.”

—Edward J. Sabornie, PhD, Graduate Program in Special Education, North Carolina State University

—Hisako Matsuo, PhD, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Saint Louis University
“Unlike many other texts, this book covers each topic with consistent depth. Great features include a thorough chapter on program evaluation, which many texts don't offer; coverage of reliability and validity early in the book (I love the section on things to consider about measurement devices!); and the best presentation of qualitative research that I have seen in any text. I like how qualitative research and quantitative research are presented separately instead of being merged in a confusing fashion. I will definitely consider adopting this text.”

—Melody Whiddon, PhD, College of Education, Florida International University
“This accessible book does the best job of any text I've seen of making the dynamic nature of research designs come to life for educational researchers. I teach two research methods classes—one for doctoral students and the others for master's students—and I will use this book for both. It covers the right material, has a solid structure within chapters, and includes some nuts-and-bolts material not available in other texts.”

—Eleazar Vasquez III, PhD, BCBA-D, Exceptional Education Program, University of Central Florida
“This book is an easy read, full of good examples and well-thought-out approaches. The authors have brought extensive experience to bear on creating a very effective text. I look forward to using this text in my graduate course in research for speech-language pathologists.”

—Anthony P. Salvatore, PhD, Director, Speech-Language Pathology Program, and Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Texas, El Paso
“This clear, detailed volume provides a comprehensive look at the elements that help novice researchers become more critical consumers of research. I like the graphic organizers and the use of discussion questions and exercises. These tools help the instructor ensure that students understand the topics and allow for a variety of different learning styles. When I teach educational research courses, I often have to locate related articles on my own; I appreciate that the authors have taken the time to provide related articles. This text is just the right level for my graduate students.”

—Tracy M. Walker, PhD, Department of Doctoral Studies, Virginia State University
“This text delivers exactly what it claims: it teaches students how to consume and understand research. The comprehensive coverage of all types of empirical inquiry is truly impressive and second to none. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students at the master’s and doctoral levels will greatly appreciate the book's treatment of both the fundamentals and nuances of most types of research designs. This text will enlighten and more than satisfy the most inquisitive educational research consumer.”

—Edward J. Sabornie, PhD, Graduate Program in Special Education, North Carolina State University