Transforming Schools
A Problem-Solving Approach to School Change
Rachel Cohen Losoff and Kelly Broxterman
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderJune 12, 2017
ISBN 9781462529575
Price: $41.00 245 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
“I found this book to be very relevant and practical for school psychologists or other school professionals such as administrators who desire to improve their schools. The specific guidance and structures for problem solving are helpful, and I am going to start utilizing several strategies immediately in my role as MTSS coordinator for my district….Overall, I would highly recommend this book as a resource for any school professional seeking to move beyond individual student problem solving and tackle school-wide problems.”

—NASP Communiqué
“Transforming Schools is systematic and comprehensive, but not complicated. The examples and accompanying tools make this far more than a hypothetical book about problem solving—it is a detailed, practical resource that you can start using right away. The approach is pertinent to all types of student issues. Excellent visuals are used throughout to provide clarity and coherence to the progressively building concepts and examples.”

—Randy Allison, MEd, EdS, independent consultant, Educational Solutions, Waukee, Iowa
“A helpful tool for educators embroiled in the day-to-day struggle to implement solutions to problems that occur in a complex system. Transforming Schools provides the gift of emotional distance to examine tangled issues comprehensively for transformative outcomes. Pragmatic solutions to familiar problems are mapped out using manageable techniques and time-saving materials. Because team-based problem-solving strategies are a running theme throughout this work, there are myriad useful tips around team building and team-oriented, data-based decision making.”

—Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, PhD, Director of Administration and Lecturer, College of Education, University of Oregon
“An invaluable guide for anyone interested in facilitating change in schools. Losoff and Broxterman provide tools and strategies to tackle systemic problems, and illustrate their use with real-world examples. I recommend this book to educators and students interested in learning how to apply the problem-solving process to make positive changes for children.”

—Jose Castillo, PhD, NCSP, Department of Educational and Psychological Studies, University of South Florida
“What a magnificent resource for practitioners working in and with school-based teams! It shows how to effectively engage in problem solving to improve outcomes at student and systems levels. The authors break down the problem-solving process into memorable steps, each with strategies not just for what to do, but also how to do it. Examples, sidebars, step-by-step instructions, and rich illustrations enhance user understanding. This book will be useful in many contexts, both preservice and inservice. Its straightforward practicality makes it a great candidate for self-directed professional learning communities.”

—Karen Elfner Childs, MA, Associate in Training and Technical Assistance, Florida’s PBIS/MTSS Project, University of South Florida
“The authors offer a brilliant approach—they start with a problem-solving model that has been utilized for individual student problems, and adapt it to tackle systems-level problems. The book is packed with tips gained from the authors' combined experiences in a wide range of schools. The detailed examples and FAQs in each section provide information that will help teams apply concepts immediately. This is not another book on theory; this is a book about action! It will help you and your team plan and implement important changes.”

—Susan C. Gallagher, PhD, Program Administrator, La Grange Area Department of Special Education; Network Capacity Coach, Illinois MTSS Network
“Transforming Schools is an amazing manual for school administrators, psychologists, and problem solving teams that are striving to find a successful pathway to systemic change. It is evident that the authors are experienced practitioners who have faced challenges and overcome barriers. Teams are guided to identify issues that are in their control or alterable, ask the right questions, and remain solution focused. The book recognizes the need to both support people through the change process and encourages teams to find and celebrate 'bright spots' in their school along the way.”

—Heather L. Schultz, EdD, Assistant Director of Student Services, Northbrook District 28, Illinois

—NASP Communiqué
“Transforming Schools is systematic and comprehensive, but not complicated. The examples and accompanying tools make this far more than a hypothetical book about problem solving—it is a detailed, practical resource that you can start using right away. The approach is pertinent to all types of student issues. Excellent visuals are used throughout to provide clarity and coherence to the progressively building concepts and examples.”

—Randy Allison, MEd, EdS, independent consultant, Educational Solutions, Waukee, Iowa
“A helpful tool for educators embroiled in the day-to-day struggle to implement solutions to problems that occur in a complex system. Transforming Schools provides the gift of emotional distance to examine tangled issues comprehensively for transformative outcomes. Pragmatic solutions to familiar problems are mapped out using manageable techniques and time-saving materials. Because team-based problem-solving strategies are a running theme throughout this work, there are myriad useful tips around team building and team-oriented, data-based decision making.”

—Dianna Carrizales-Engelmann, PhD, Director of Administration and Lecturer, College of Education, University of Oregon
“An invaluable guide for anyone interested in facilitating change in schools. Losoff and Broxterman provide tools and strategies to tackle systemic problems, and illustrate their use with real-world examples. I recommend this book to educators and students interested in learning how to apply the problem-solving process to make positive changes for children.”

—Jose Castillo, PhD, NCSP, Department of Educational and Psychological Studies, University of South Florida
“What a magnificent resource for practitioners working in and with school-based teams! It shows how to effectively engage in problem solving to improve outcomes at student and systems levels. The authors break down the problem-solving process into memorable steps, each with strategies not just for what to do, but also how to do it. Examples, sidebars, step-by-step instructions, and rich illustrations enhance user understanding. This book will be useful in many contexts, both preservice and inservice. Its straightforward practicality makes it a great candidate for self-directed professional learning communities.”

—Karen Elfner Childs, MA, Associate in Training and Technical Assistance, Florida’s PBIS/MTSS Project, University of South Florida
“The authors offer a brilliant approach—they start with a problem-solving model that has been utilized for individual student problems, and adapt it to tackle systems-level problems. The book is packed with tips gained from the authors' combined experiences in a wide range of schools. The detailed examples and FAQs in each section provide information that will help teams apply concepts immediately. This is not another book on theory; this is a book about action! It will help you and your team plan and implement important changes.”

—Susan C. Gallagher, PhD, Program Administrator, La Grange Area Department of Special Education; Network Capacity Coach, Illinois MTSS Network
“Transforming Schools is an amazing manual for school administrators, psychologists, and problem solving teams that are striving to find a successful pathway to systemic change. It is evident that the authors are experienced practitioners who have faced challenges and overcome barriers. Teams are guided to identify issues that are in their control or alterable, ask the right questions, and remain solution focused. The book recognizes the need to both support people through the change process and encourages teams to find and celebrate 'bright spots' in their school along the way.”

—Heather L. Schultz, EdD, Assistant Director of Student Services, Northbrook District 28, Illinois