The Self-Conscious Emotions

Theory and Research

Edited by Jessica L. Tracy, Richard W. Robins, and June Price Tangney
Foreword by Joseph J. Campos

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
August 1, 2007
ISBN 9781593854867
Price: $82.00
493 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
November 27, 2013
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Price: $82.00
493 Pages
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Price: $164.00 $98.40
493 Pages
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I. Theoretical Perspectives: Social, Cognitive, and Neural Mechanisms Underlying Self-Conscious Emotions

1. The Self in Self-Conscious Emotions: A Cognitive Appraisal Approach, Jessica L. Tracy and Richard W. Robins

2. What's Moral about the Self-Conscious Emotions?, June Price Tangney, Jeffrey Stuewig, and Debra J. Mashek

3. How the Self Became Involved in Affective Experience: Three Sources of Self-Reflective Emotions, Mark R. Leary

4. Neural Systems for Self-Conscious Emotions and Their Underlying Appraisals, Jennifer S. Beer

5. A Social Function for Self-Conscious Emotions: The Social Self Preservation Theory, Tara L. Gruenewald, Sally S. Dickerson, and Margaret E. Kemeny

II. Developmental Contexts and Processes

6. The Development of Self-Conscious Emotions: Cognitive Processes and Social Influences, Kristin Hansen Lagattuta and Ross A. Thompson

7. The Development of Pride and Moral Life, Daniel Hart and M. Kyle Matsuba

8. Self-Conscious Emotional Development, Michael Lewis

III. Cultural Influences

9. Shifting Meanings of Self-Conscious Emotions across Cultures: A Social-Functional Approach, Jennifer L. Goetz and Dacher Keltner

10. From Appeasement to Conformity: Evolutionary and Cultural Perspectives on Shame, Competition, and Cooperation, Daniel M. T. Fessler

11. A Cross-Cultural Examination of Lexical Studies of Self-Conscious Emotions, Robin S. Edelstein and Phillip R. Shaver

12. Cultural Models of Shame and Guilt, Ying Wong and Jeanne Tsai

13. Respect as a Positive Self-Conscious Emotion in European Americans and Chinese, Jin Li and Kurt W. Fischer

IV. Specific Emotions: Function and Conceptualization

14. Is Embarrassment a Blessing or a Curse?, Rowland S. Miller

15. The Nature of Pride, Jessica L. Tracy and Richard W. Robins

16. The Evolution of Shame as a Marker for Relationship Security: A Biopsychosocial Approach, Paul Gilbert

17. Humiliation Causes, Correlates, and Consequences, Jeff Elison and Susan Harter

18. Shame and Guilt as Morally Warranted Experiences, Tamara J. Ferguson, Daniel Brugman, Jennifer White and Heidi L. Eyre

V. Special Topics and Applications

19. Group-Conscious Emotions: The Implications of Others' Wrongdoings for Identity and Relationships, Brian Lickel, Toni Schmader, and Marija Spanovic

20. Shame and Guilt in Antisocial and Risky Behaviors, Jeffrey Stuewig and June Price Tangney

21. Wrestling with Nature: An Existential Perspective on the Body and Gender in Self-Conscious Emotions, Tomi-Ann Roberts and Jamie L. Goldenberg

22. Overvalued and Ashamed: Considering the Roles of Self-Esteem and Self-Conscious Emotions in Covert Narcissism, Jennifer K. Bosson and Jennifer L. Prewitt-Freilino

23. Runaway Nationalism: Alienation, Shame, and Anger, Thomas J. Scheff

VI. Assessment

24. Assessing Self-Conscious Emotions: A Review of Self-Report and Nonverbal Measures, Richard W. Robins, Eric E. Noftle, and Jessica L. Tracy