Responsive Guided Reading in Grades K-5
Simplifying Small-Group Instruction
Jennifer Berne and Sophie C. Degener
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 23, 2010
ISBN 9781606237038
Price: $31.00 162 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
I. What Is Responsive Guided Reading?
1. Introduction
2. The Role of Responsive Guided Reading in the Balanced Literacy Block
3. A Detailed Look at Responsive Guided Reading
II. Teacher Cueing in Responsive Guided Reading Groups
4. Prompting Beginning Readers during Responsive Guided Reading
5. Prompting Fluent Readers during Responsive Guided Reading
III. Getting Started with Responsive Guided Reading: Practical Considerations
6. The First Month of School: Establishing Routines
7. Meaningful Activities for the Rest of the Class
8. Assessing Students for Placement in Responsive Guided Reading Groups
9. Moving Students in and out of Groups
10. Selecting Materials for Responsive Guided Reading Groups