Over the Influence
Second Edition
The Harm Reduction Guide to Controlling Your Drug and Alcohol Use
Patt Denning and Jeannie Little
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 9, 2017
ISBN 9781462530342
Price: $57.00 290 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderJuly 10, 2017
ISBN 9781462526796
Price: $16.95290 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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Patt Denning, PhD, recently retired as Director of Clinical Services and Training at the Harm Reduction Therapy Center (HRTC) in San Francisco, which she founded with Jeannie Little in 2000. HRTC provides a full range of harm reduction treatment services and trains hundreds of professionals each year. Widely recognized as an expert on drug treatment and dual diagnosis, Dr. Denning is one of the principal developers of harm reduction psychotherapy. She is a Diplomate Fellow in Psychopharmacology and a certified Master Addiction Counselor. With Jeannie Little, she is coauthor of Over the Influence, Second Edition (for the general public), and Practicing Harm Reduction Psychotherapy, Second Edition (for mental health professionals).
Jeannie Little, LCSW, recently retired as Executive Director of the Harm Reduction Therapy Center (HRTC) in San Francisco, which she founded with Patt Denning in 2000. HRTC provides a full range of harm reduction treatment services and trains hundreds of professionals each year. Ms. Little adapted harm reduction therapy to a wide array of low-threshold community settings. She is a group psychotherapist who developed harm reduction group treatment of substance use disorders and dual diagnosis. With Patt Denning, she is coauthor ofOver the Influence, Second Edition (for the general public), and Practicing Harm Reduction Psychotherapy, Second Edition (for mental health professionals).
Jeannie Little, LCSW, recently retired as Executive Director of the Harm Reduction Therapy Center (HRTC) in San Francisco, which she founded with Patt Denning in 2000. HRTC provides a full range of harm reduction treatment services and trains hundreds of professionals each year. Ms. Little adapted harm reduction therapy to a wide array of low-threshold community settings. She is a group psychotherapist who developed harm reduction group treatment of substance use disorders and dual diagnosis. With Patt Denning, she is coauthor of