Art Therapy and Health Care
Edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 11, 2012
ISBN 9781462507160
Price: $57.00388 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"

The e-book editions of this title sold by Guilford and other e-book vendors feature many full-color photographs. (If you have a black-and-white e-reader, the illustrations will appear in black and white, as in the print book.)
“From practical tips for setting up an open studio to guidance on interpreting clients' art, this is a great reference for both new and experienced art therapists. Up-to-date, useful information is provided on working with clients with a wide array of medical diagnoses. The inclusion of cutting-edge outcomes research is a treasure—exactly what art therapists need to advocate for their work! This book will be a welcome resource for art therapy training programs.”

—Tracy Councill, MA, ATR-BC, Program Director, Tracy's Kids Art Therapy, Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University Hospital
“Malchiodi and her expert contributors tackle both complex and everyday issues involved in working with pediatric and adult patients, their families, and members of the health care team. The book's comprehensive coverage of art therapy in today's health care environment includes fresh, up-to-the-minute topics such as digital art therapy with hospitalized children. Practical case examples and scenarios bring each chapter to life. Truly a gem of a book.”

—Judy Rollins, PhD, RN, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Editor, Pediatric Nursing
“An outstanding, comprehensive resource. Chapters cover a broad range of health issues in pediatric and adult populations, detailing ways to implement art therapy approaches and addressing professional issues for art therapists in medical settings. Research evidence provided in the book supports the idea that art therapy can be a powerful antidote for the many emotional challenges associated with medical problems.”

—Robin L. Gabriels, PsyD, Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado Denver
“This timely volume highlights how art therapists can work collaboratively with health care practitioners to have a positive impact on patients' well-being. The book includes strong vignettes, clearly delineated therapeutic goals, and research findings on populations that have typically been underrepresented in the art therapy literature. An emphasis on the need for evidence-based inquiry is apparent throughout. This is an important resource for both practicing art therapists and graduate students. Coverage of common debates in the field—such as the pros and cons of technology in art therapy practice and ethical considerations in displaying patient artwork—will make for stimulating classroom discussions.”

—Juliet L. King, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, Director, Art Therapy Master's Program, Herron School of Art and Design, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis

—Tracy Councill, MA, ATR-BC, Program Director, Tracy's Kids Art Therapy, Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University Hospital
“Malchiodi and her expert contributors tackle both complex and everyday issues involved in working with pediatric and adult patients, their families, and members of the health care team. The book's comprehensive coverage of art therapy in today's health care environment includes fresh, up-to-the-minute topics such as digital art therapy with hospitalized children. Practical case examples and scenarios bring each chapter to life. Truly a gem of a book.”

—Judy Rollins, PhD, RN, Georgetown University School of Medicine; Editor, Pediatric Nursing
“An outstanding, comprehensive resource. Chapters cover a broad range of health issues in pediatric and adult populations, detailing ways to implement art therapy approaches and addressing professional issues for art therapists in medical settings. Research evidence provided in the book supports the idea that art therapy can be a powerful antidote for the many emotional challenges associated with medical problems.”

—Robin L. Gabriels, PsyD, Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Colorado and University of Colorado Denver
“This timely volume highlights how art therapists can work collaboratively with health care practitioners to have a positive impact on patients' well-being. The book includes strong vignettes, clearly delineated therapeutic goals, and research findings on populations that have typically been underrepresented in the art therapy literature. An emphasis on the need for evidence-based inquiry is apparent throughout. This is an important resource for both practicing art therapists and graduate students. Coverage of common debates in the field—such as the pros and cons of technology in art therapy practice and ethical considerations in displaying patient artwork—will make for stimulating classroom discussions.”

—Juliet L. King, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, Director, Art Therapy Master's Program, Herron School of Art and Design, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis