To search within the full content of Guilford titles, please try using Google Book Search.

Not finding what you need?

If your search brought up too few results, try a more general term; for example: “DBT” instead of “DBT for adolescents”.

If the search engine suspects you have misspelled a word, you will see results for the corrected term instead. For example, searching on “Friedmann” will show you results for “Friedman.”

Too many results?

If your search results in too many products, try a more specific search term, such as “DBT for adolescents” instead of “DBT”.

By default, results are sorted by relevance. Use the drop-down above the search results to sort instead by publication date, alphabetically from A-Z, alphabetically from Z-A, by author, or by media type (i.e. journals and videos versus books).

General tips

Our search is not case-sensitive; for example, “adhd” and “ADHD” will get the same results.

Search results include our products as well as our subject areas, catalogs, authors, and informational pages. For example, a search for “adoption” will result in books that deal with adoptive families as well as information on course adoption copies for professors.