Following are the items related to Best Practices in Writing Instruction: Third Edition:
Handbook of Writing Research: Second EditionEdited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald Paperback
October 31, 2016Oct 2016, $55.00 Hardcover
October 13, 2015Oct 2015, $83.00 e-Book
October 13, 2015Oct 2015, $55.00
Print + e-Book
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$110.00 $66.00
Handbook of Writing Research: Third Edition
Edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald Paperback ◆ Pre-order
May 27, 2025May 2025, $68.00 Hardcover ◆ Pre-order
May 13, 2025May 2025, $102.00 e-Book ◆ Pre-order
May 13, 2025May 2025, $68.00
Print + e-Book ◆ Pre-order
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$136.00 $81.60