Promoting School Readiness and Early Learning
Implications of Developmental Research for Practice
Edited by Michel Boivin and Karen L. Bierman
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 27, 2013
ISBN 9781462511457
Price: $72.00396 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Grounded in cutting-edge developmental research, this book examines what school readiness entails and how it can be improved. Compelling longitudinal findings are presented on the benefits of early intervention for preschoolers at risk due to poverty and other factors. The volume identifies the cognitive, language, behavioral, motor, and socioemotional skills that enable young children to function successfully in school contexts. It explores specific ways in which school- and family-based interventions—including programs that target reading and language, math, self-regulation, and social-emotional development—can contribute to school readiness. The book also addresses challenges in the large-scale dissemination of evidence-based practices.