Developing Word Recognition
Latisha Hayes and Kevin Flanigan
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 24, 2014
ISBN 9781462514151
Price: $36.00 232 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
A complete road map for word knowledge instruction in PreK-2, this book focuses on developing the word recognition and phonics skills identified in the Common Core standards for foundational skills. It offers clear-cut instructions for assessing students' stages of word knowledge development—emergent, beginning, or transitional—and their specific instructional needs. Chapters on each developmental stage are packed with effective learning activities and strategies, plus guidance for fitting them into the classroom day. Of special value, online-only appendices provide purchasers with more than 50 reproducible assessment and instructional tools, ready to download and print in a convenient 8½“ x 11” size.
This title is part of The Essential Library of PreK-2 Literacy series, edited by Sharon Walpole and Michael C. McKenna.