Creative Arts and Play Therapy for Attachment Problems
Edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi and David A. Crenshaw
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 9, 2013
ISBN 9781462512706
Price: $56.00 303 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
orderJuly 22, 2015
ISBN 9781462523702
Price: $37.00 303 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"

The e-book editions of this title sold by Guilford and other e-book vendors feature full-color artwork. (If you have a black-and-white e-reader, the illustrations will appear in black and white, as in the print book.)
This book vividly shows how creative arts and play therapy can help children recover from experiences of disrupted or insecure attachment. Leading practitioners explore the impact of early relationship difficulties on children's emotions and behavior. Rich case material brings to life a range of therapeutic approaches that utilize art, music, movement, drama, creative writing, and play. The volume covers ways to address attachment issues with individuals of different ages, as well as their caregivers. Chapters clearly explain the various techniques and present applications for specific populations, including complex trauma survivors.
This title is part of the Creative Arts and Play Therapy series, edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi and David A. Crenshaw.